Wednesday, January 31, 2024

HVAC UV Light Benefits

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Ultraviolet (UV) light has powerful germ-killing properties and provides advantages to a wide range of sterilization applications such as the many HVAC UV light benefits. UV light emitted in the UVC range is proven to kill many types of microorganisms including bacteria and viruses, even mold and mildew. Other types of UV lamps such as UV ozone lamps also eliminate foul odor by eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air that cause odor and illness.

Most Important HVAC UV Light Benefits

The two most important benefits of UV lights in HVAC systems are that they prevent mold and mildew from accumulating inside the equipment, which makes your HVAC system run more efficiently and reduces energy consumption. The other greatest benefit is improving indoor air quality (IAQ) by eliminating bacteria and viruses that circulate throughout a home or office.

UV lights in HVAC systems provide a healthier living environment and improve efficient HVAC operation as well as providing the following benefits:

· Kills germs, viruses, and bacteria.

· Eliminates mold, mildew, and other allergens.

· Removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

· Eliminates foul odors.

· Improves HVAC efficiency.

· Reduces HVAC maintenance.

· Lowers monthly expenses and energy consumption.

HVAC UV Light Benefits Equipment

UVC germicidal lamps harness the power of UV radiation to kill microorganisms and when installed in heating, venting. and cooling (HVAC) systems, UV lamps provide many benefits. UVC radiation kills bacteria and mold that can build up inside an HVAC’s coils, which keep equipment cleaner, running more efficiently and requiring less maintenance. The inside of an HVAC unit is dark and damp, and a prime location for the build-up of mold, fungi, and bacteria. UV lights help to eliminate contaminants inside the HVAC system and in air-ducts that could be prone to spreading disease.

When UV lights are professionally installed inside an HVAC system, they target the coils where contamination is likely and prevent the growth and build-up of pollutants such as mold, mildew, pollen, dust, smoke, and soot. UV lights prevent the build-up of these contaminants which can reduce the performance of your HVAC unit and provide cleaner air to circulate throughout your home or office.

HVAC UV Light Benefits Indoor Air Quality

HVAC UV lights also prevent the spread of mold spores, fungi, bacteria, and viruses throughout your living area which significantly improves indoor air quality. UV lights help to prevent sickness from spreading by removing airborne pathogens before they spread throughout your living area. Killing these contaminants that cause illness at the source reduces allergies and asthma symptoms in people with asthma and respiratory illnesses.

When HVAC UV lights kill VOCs, they do more than just eliminate odor. VOCs are also known to cause many health problems including throat, nose, and eye irritation as well as headaches and nausea. By eliminating VOCs from circulating throughout your indoor air, you are improving the air quality and health of everyone in the building.

UVC Germicidal Lamps for HVAC

LightSources is a leading global supplier of high-tech germicidal UVC lamps designed and engineered for optimum germ-killing power. We offer UVC germicidal lamps in various sizes, types, and styles to suit any sterilization need including UV air disinfection, water and surface sterilization. Our lighting engineers offer custom designed and prototype solutions to meet the demands of OEMs large and small.

Monday, January 29, 2024

UV Light in HVAC Effectiveness

Direct exposure to UVC lights can be hazardous to skin and eyes, although with the right type of germicidal lamps and proper installation, there is proven evidence of high germicidal UV light in HVAC effectiveness.

How Do UV Lights in HVAC Systems Work?

UVC lights are designed to emit particular wavelengths in the range of 254 nanometer (nm), which is effective at penetrating the DNA of microorganisms. The UV radiation is absorbed by the cells’ DNA which renders them unable to produce the needed proteins to survive or replicate. UV light does not immediately kill the germs, although it shortens their life span, and nullifies their ability to replicate and cause harm.

UVC light can penetrate the cells of viruses, bacteria, mold spores, fungi, and various germs when they pass through a heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system. Strategically installing germicidal UVC lamps in HVAC units helps to purify the air and sterilize HVAC equipment for longer, more efficient use. UV light in HVAC effectiveness is proven to improve indoor air quality for a healthier indoor environment.

UV Light in HVAC Effectiveness

There are several studies that evaluate UV light in HVAC effectiveness with promising results for UV light in HVAC systems in hospitals, offices, and schools. According to a study conducted by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE, and Penn State University, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) showed successful results for reducing the amount of fungi in air handling units and cited improvements in children with mold induced asthma when installed in schools.

UV light has been used in hospitals and endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, for controlling the spread of tuberculosis in hospitals and healthcare facilities. UVC radiation is known to kill harmful microorganisms even antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” like MRSA, SARS and is even proven to be effective at killing the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the novel COVID-19.

How are UV Lights Installed in HVAC Systems?

Treating the volume of air in your home or office is immense, and only possible when installed properly in air handling units or HVAC systems since humans cannot be exposed to UVC light. Since the HVAC system draws air into the evaporator unit, forcing it out through air vents and registers throughout the home, UV light installed in the evaporator unit sterilizes the air as it circulates.

Only a professional HVAC technician should install UV lights in HVAC systems for germicidal effectiveness. The lights must be installed in the right area with the right angle of exposure to sterilize the air as it passes through. The HVAC technician will clean the air handler system thoroughly prior to installing UV lights and should inspect all ductwork for leaks. With the right installation by a certified technician, UV lights in HVAC effectiveness will be at maximum levels to prevent airborne infection.

High Performance Germicidal UV Lights for HVAC Effectiveness

LightSources is recognized worldwide as a leading manufacturer of high quality, high performance UV germicidal lights found in many applications. UVC lamps by LightSources provide germicidal solutions to water, surface and air sterilization systems with proven UVC effectiveness. We offer a wide selection of UVC lamps in various sizes, types, and styles as well as customized engineering solutions to meet customer specifications.

Our lighting specialists possess deep technical knowledge of UVC radiation and lamp design to deliver cutting edge germicidal solutions. We conduct ongoing research and development for continual improvement and offer proprietary technology that improves lamp life and performance. LightSources is an ISO9001:2015 registered supplier of UV lamps and lighting solutions including proven UVC germicidal lamps for use in a variety of industries and applications.