Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Benefits of UV Air Purifier for HVAC Systems

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UV air purifier for HVAC systems provides many health benefits by keeping air clean, disinfected, and free from irritants, pollutants, and germs. UV air purification systems used in HVAC and AC units provide significant health benefits to people in many environments such as public buildings, hospitals, nursing homes and doctor facilities. UV air purifiers are becoming popular in residential homes as well as many people realize the benefits of cleansing the air we breathe and removing contaminants.

UVair purifiers are proven to effectively eliminate bacteria, viruses, germs, mildew, mold and even dust from the air. Breathing clean air free from these contaminants improves health and wellness in all people and is critical for people with compromised immune systems, asthma or respiratory illnesses. Eradicating these contaminants from the air provides a healthier environment and promotes continued health and wellness.

Effectiveness of UV Air Purifier for HVAC

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is emitted in various wavelengths measured in nanometers (nm). UV light emitted specifically at 254 nm is proven to be extremely effective at killing germs, viruses and all types of bacteria. This optimum output of germ killing UV wavelength does not emit ozone, which is produced when UV radiation is in the range of 185 nm. Ozone is a proven deodorizer, removing foul odors from the air. Consult with a UV HVAC professional regarding ozone generating lamps as they may cause corrosion to copper lines in some AC units.

Properly Install UV Air Purifier in HVAC Systems

Proper installation of UV lamps in air purifier HVAC systems is important for maximum effectiveness. UV airpurifier systems should be mounted on the cold air side near the cooling coil or downstream. The output should be targeted toward the cooling coil and the draining pan for condensation underneath the coils to prevent the growth of algae or mold spores. Improper installation would not be effective in eliminating germs as bacteria and mold could develop and contaminate the blower which would contaminate the entire living space. Growth of algae or mold could also clog the coils of an AC unit and cause the motor to overwork and burn out quicker than if those contaminants were eliminated. Eliminating these germs and harmful contaminants through your HVAC unit provides cleanand disinfected air for improved health and wellness as well as prolonging the life of your valuable HVAC and AC equipment.

Benefits of HVAC UV Air Purification Systems

HVAC UVair purification systems provide many benefits in commercial and residential settings. Business owners realize the benefits of providing clean and healthy air to employees which improves attendance and cuts down on workplace illnesses. Daycare centers and schools help to prevent the spread of airborne illnesses among students and hospitals provide a safer environment for sick patients. Clean and healthy air is vital to all people in all environments including commercial, industrial and residential settings.

UV air purifiers in industrial settings help manufacturers to maintain a healthy work environment while meeting air emission regulations. UV air purification is proven to remove toxic chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air produced by industrial operations. UV air purification is becoming more popular in residential HVAC systems, providing cleaner air in homes which benefits all residents especially people that are sick or have a compromised immune system. UV air purification provides all of these benefits as well as prolonging the life of your equipment by eliminating mold, mildew and harmful contaminants.

LightSources Offers High-Quality UV Air Purification Lamps

The LightSources Group consists of LightSources in the United States and China, LightTech in Europe and valuable partner companies which allow us to provide high-quality UV lamps which outlast and outperform comparable products. Our vast global resources and state-of-the-art glass factory in Hungary promotes our continual research and development and allows us to deliver first to market, proprietary lamps and lighting solutions. Our skilled engineers possess in-depth knowledge of UV radiation and provide custom design, engineering and manufacturing of UVC germicidal solutions.

We offer high-quality UV lamps for use in air purification systems and HVAC units which are proven effective at eliminating harmful contaminants.  Our technical team will assist you in developing custom solutions and lamps to fit any footprint in existing or new HVAC air purifiers. Our UVCgermicidal lamps for air disinfection include low pressure Amalgam lamps designed with proprietary technology for longer-lasting effectiveness proven to yield up to three times more output than comparable lamps of the same length. We offer medium pressure lamps, Quartz sleeves and electronic ballasts designed to your specifications.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Learn How UV Light for Eczema Gives Patients Relief

Originally posted at:

Eczema is an irritating skin condition that causes painful, itchy patches of dry skin in varying degrees of severity and UV light for eczema is proven to provide relief. Eczema can cause emotional stress to those suffering from this skin condition who only want relief. There are different types of eczema, which include:

  • contact dermatitis
  • atopic dermatitis
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • nummular eczema
  • stasis dermatitis
  • dyshidrotic eczema

Symptoms can be different among people suffering from eczema, although most people experience the most common symptoms reported as extreme itching, inflamed red skin, rough scaly patches of skin, dry, sensitive skin, and areas of swelling. Itchiness is associated with all types of eczema and can make symptoms worse if people scratch too much. Eczema may develop in babies and children who may outgrow the condition, or eczema may develop in adulthood.

Eczema currently has no known cure, although there are effective treatments in the form of topical ointments, creams, and ultraviolet (UV) light therapy.

How UV Light for Eczema Works

Topical treatments may work for some people, although UV light for eczema has been proven to give relief to many patients. UV light therapy, also called phototherapy, should be in a controlled setting under a physician’s care with the proper type of UV lamp. The right type of lamp must be used with the proper wavelength administered as exposure to the wrong type of UV radiation could worsen symptoms.

Some people notice an improvement in their symptoms during the sunny, summer months, these patients are more likely to see improvement with UV light therapy. People living in the northern hemisphere may notice that a UV lamp improves their symptoms during the winter months when sunlight is scarce. Consistency is key with UV light for eczema treatment as improvement usually takes one to two months of regular exposure.

Light is divided into colors and measured in wavelengths, with the unit of measure in nanometers (nm). Ultraviolet light is in the electromagnetic spectrum of radiated energy which is invisible to the human eye. Ultraviolet light is divided into three areas: UVA, UVB, and UVCradiation. UVA and UVB radiation are often prescribed to treat eczema.

UVA light is in the wavelength between 315 to 400 nm, UVB radiation is between 280 and 315 nm with narrow-band UVB light measuring 310 nm. UVB radiation is the most common type of light therapy for eczema and emits wavelengths that are similar to the sun’s rays and are proven to give relief to many patients. Some patients prescribed UVA treatments are also prescribed a medication called psoralen which makes their skin more receptive to the UVA treatments.

All types of UV light for eczema treatments are proven to help patients by suppressing the overactive immune system which reduces inflammation, itching, and pain. UV phototherapy can improve vitamin D production and increase the skin’s own bacteria-fighting systems. Phototherapy is proven to help about 70% of those suffering from this irritating skin condition to find relief from symptoms, or at least calm them down and in some cases put them in a state of remittance.

LightSources Offers Proven UV Lamps for Eczema Treatment

LightSources and European partner, LightTech, offer UV lamps proven highly effective in many phototherapy applications. The LightSources Group is recognized worldwide for designing, engineering, and manufacturing high-tech, cutting-edge UVlamp technology. Our engineers possess in-depth knowledge of UV radiation and lamp technology, offering UV lamps that outperform and outlast comparable lamps with long-lasting effectiveness.

Our UV phototherapy lamps are used worldwide to treat a host of medical conditions. Phototherapy lamps are proven effective in treating many skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, acne, vitiligo, and mood disorders such as depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression caused by a lack of sunlight. The LightSources Group manufactures UV phototherapy lamps with full OEM support for all of these conditions.

LightSources is the leading global supplier of UVC germicidal lamps used in all disinfection applications such as in air purification systems and water disinfection processes. UVC radiation is proven to instantly eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses within seconds of exposure and is completely safe for humans. LightSources offers the widest selection of UVCgermicidal lamps for any application with custom-designed solutions and prototypes available