Friday, August 30, 2024

How Effective is UV Light to Kill Germs?

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The effectiveness of UV light to kill germs is proven in many germicidal applications such as air purification systems and water disinfection applications. UV light also kills germs on surfaces and is used in many applications such as food buffets and grocery stores. UV germicidal lamps harness the power of UV radiation, which destroys bacteria, viruses, and many germs naked to the human eye, instantly upon contact.

Ultraviolet radiation is emitted in wavelengths and measured with nanometers (nm), with UV light broken down into 3 basic categories, UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation. UVA light is measured between 315 nm and 400 nm, UVB light is found in the range of 280 nm to 315 nm, while UVC radiation is between 200 nm to 280 nm with these powerful shorter wavelengths proven to have an extremely effective germicidal function specifically at 254 nm.

Use UV Light to Kill Germs at 254 nm

UVC radiation is emitted in the range of 254 nm is proven to eliminate viruses, bacteria, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and harmful microorganisms. UVC radiation at 254 nm instantly penetrates the cells of these living organisms and alters the DNA to render it unable to replicate which leaves them completely harmless. Short-wave UVC radiation does not reach the surface of the Earth as it is filtered out by the Earth’s atmosphere. This wavelength of UV light to kill germs is extremely effective and is harmless to people.

Use UV Light to Kill Airborne Germs with Ozone at 185 nm

UVC radiation emitted at the short wave of 185 nm is useful in ozone-producing germicidal lamps to eliminate odors from the air. Ozone-generating germicidal lamps are used in air purification systems worldwide to keep air smelling crisp and clean and free from foul and stale odors. Airpurification systems with ozone lamps eliminate VOCs such as ammonia, mercaptans, and sulfides. Ozone-generating lamps decompress oxygen, O² to produce ozone, O³ which is a proven oxidizer.

Using UV Light to Kill Germs Provides Many Benefits

Using UV light to kill germs provides many benefits over other methods of disinfection. Many environmental regulations and codes exist to control the use of chemical disinfection and byproducts. UVC germicidal lamps are completely free from any harmful byproducts, meeting strict regulations and environmental codes.

Companies utilize UVair purification systems to provide a safe work environment and control potentially dangerous emissions to meet environment code compliance. UV germicidal lamps are used in water disinfection systems such as municipalities’ water treatment systems, fish aquariums, hatcheries, ballast water treatment systems, and many other water cleansing applications. UV light even kills some bacteria and viruses that chlorine does not, such as cryptosporidium and giardia.

UV light disinfection provides effective germ-killing properties, code compliance with strict environmental regulations, and is completely safe with no harmful byproducts. High-performance, high-quality germicidal lamps also provide long-lasting performance which requires little to no maintenance. With UV light germ-killing systems there is no need to purchase, store, or dispose of chemicals, providing maintenance-free disinfection systems which provide cost savings.

To summarize, UV disinfection provides the following benefits over other methods:

  • Meets code compliance and environmental regulations
  • Is completely safe with no harmful byproducts
  • No need to maintain chemicals
  • Long-lasting lamps require little to no maintenance
  • Provides instant, effective disinfection
  • Provides cost savings with long-lasting quality UVC germicidal lamps

With all of these benefits, it is easy to see why UV light is the preferred germ-killing disinfection process for many applications. Working with a reputable UVC germicidal lamp provider will deliver the best results with the right lamp for your process.

LightSources Offers High-Performance UVC Germicidal Lamps

LightSources is recognized as a leading global supplier of ultraviolet and fluorescent lamp solutions including custom-designed prototype products. The LightSources Group provides UVCgermicidal lamps used in air purification and water disinfection systems worldwide. We deliver first-to-market, patented products developed with proprietary technology as part of our commitment to delivering high-performance long-lasting, and energy-efficient solutions.

We offer a wide selection of UVC germicidal lamps such as our low-pressure Amalgam lamps developed with proprietary technology designed to withstand high current operation. Our low-pressure Mercury UVC lamps are available in quartz or soft glass and ozone-generating designs. Our high-output UVC lamps are designed to operate on higher currents with heavier filaments for more control and maximum UVC output.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

UV Water Treatment Systems are Eco Friendly and Safe

Originally posted at:

UV water treatment systems are used around the world to provide environmentally safe, eco-friendly water disinfection. For a water treatment system to be considered “green”, it must not add any byproducts to the water. UV water disinfection is a physical process that adds nothing to the water and does not affect the dissolved oxygen content or chemical composition of water.

UV water disinfection is therefore considered to be a sustainable, or green technology. Thousands of municipalities worldwide are adopting UV water treatment systems in the construction of new water treatment plants and by converting existing chemical treatment processes. UV water treatment is environmentally friendly, safe, and cost-effective, providing many benefits to water treatment systems.

Benefits of UV Water Treatment Systems

UV water treatment systems provide many benefits over other types of water disinfection methods, including chlorine-based processes. UVlight is proven to eradicate Giardia and Cryptosporidium, microorganisms that are chlorine-resistant and proven to cause thousands of illnesses each year. UV water disinfection offers a host of advantages which include:

  • Environmentally Friendly – UV water treatment is an environmentally friendly method of disinfecting water with no harmful by-products added during disinfection.
  • Safe – UV light is safe for humans and poses no risks to employees handling chemicals. With UV water disinfection, there is no need to purchase, store, or dispose of harmful chemicals.
  • Effective – UV radiation is proven to destroy 99.99% of harmful microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, E-coli, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, salmonella, typhoid fever, infectious hepatitis, meningitis, and many other pathogens.
  • FDA Approved – UV water treatment is one of four methods approved by the FDA for safe and effective water disinfection.
    Reliable – UV light works around the clock with consistent and reliable performance.
  • Efficient – UV radiation instantly kills germs for fast and effective water disinfection.
  • Cost-Effective – UV water treatment systems are extremely cost-effective with little to no maintenance required and no man hours needed to handle chemicals. With long-lasting, high-performance UVC germicidal lamps, UV water disinfection is trouble-free, saving time and money.

Treating water with UV disinfection methods provides these benefits and many others. High-performance, quality UVCgermicidal lamps are the key to realizing the maximum advantages offered by UV water disinfection.

Germicidal Lamps for UV Water Treatment Systems

The most common types of germicidal lamps used in UV water treatment systems are low-pressure mercury lamps and rare gas discharge UV lamps. UVC germicidal lamps are designed without the phosphor coating which is typical of most fluorescent lamps. This allows the right amount of UV radiation to flow through the body of the lamp for effective disinfection.

The body of germicidal lamps is filled with either a mix of gases such as Argon, Mercury, Neon, Zenon, Krypton or others or may be filled with pure Argon. The germicidal application will determine the right mix of gases for the most effective disinfection.

There are a few different styles of lamps that are effective for UV water disinfection such as:

  • Low-Pressure Amalgam Germicidal Lamps
  • Low-Pressure UVC Germicidal Lamps
  • Medium Pressure Mercury Discharge Germicidal Lamps
  • Quartz sleeves and electronic ballasts

UV radiation emitted at precisely 254 nm, the measurement which refers to the wavelength of light, is the most effective wavelength for germ-killing disinfection.  Ozone-emitting lamps operate at 185nm and are also very effective at eradicating harmful contaminants and odor. These UV lamps may be designed with Quartz, soft glass, or Quartz and Titanium.

LightSources Provides High-Performance UVC Germicidal Lamps

LightSources is a leading global supplier of high-performance UVCgermicidal lamps used in water disinfection processes. LightSources in the United States and LightTech in Europe are recognized as an authority on UV technology and developing lamp and lighting solutions. We offer a wide selection of Low-Pressure UV lamps, Amalgam Lamps, Medium-pressure UV Lamps, Quartz sleeves, and electronic ballasts. Our skilled design and engineering team possesses in-depth knowledge of UV radiation and offers custom-designed lamps made to meet your specifications.

Our Amalgam lamps are developed with proprietary technology, providing up to three times the UVC output over comparable lamps of the same size. We will custom-design the right mix of gases to achieve the optimum output for your germicidal application.