Friday, November 29, 2024

How Does a UV Germ Light Work?

Originally posted at:

If you’ve heard of a UV germ light and wondered just how effective it really is and how it works, read more to learn how a UV germicidal lamp really works. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is measured by wavelengths, referred to as nanometers (nm). Ultraviolet light is broken into UVA, UVB and UVC rays, based on how long the wavelengths are.

UVA rays are found between 315nm and 400nm, UVB rays are between 280nm to 315nm, and UVC rays are shorter wavelengths measuring between 200nm to 280nm, with the most effective germicidal action found at precisely 254nm. UV germ lights in the range of 254nm are proven to be highly effective in purification and disinfection applications, eradicating bacteria and viruses in the air, water and even on surfaces. UVC radiation works by instantly altering the DNA of the organisms by penetrating the cells quickly within seconds of exposure. This instant exposure to UVC light renders these living cells completely harmless as they are unable to replicate.

Short wave UVC light is the most effective type of UV radiation to damage cells and is filtered by the atmosphere, never reaching the Earth’s surface. Shorter wave UVC light at 185nm is used in UVC ozone-generating germicidal lamps, which is powerful UV radiation that actually eliminates odors in the air caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as sulfides, mercaptans, and ammonia. By penetrating the nucleic acid of the cells, they are unable to multiply or reproduce to infectious numbers, leaving them to be considered dead and inactive. UVC light in the short wave of 185nm decompresses oxygen, O², and produces ozone, O³. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer that destroys microorganisms within seconds of exposure.
Many Benefits of UV Germ Light Technology

There are many benefits provided by using UV germ lights instead of other disinfection methods. UVC germicidal lamps comply with strict environmental codes and regulations, as it is completely free of chemicals and environmentally friendly. UV germicidal lamps do not contain corrosive materials or disinfection by-products (DBPs). UV radiation is a safer technology without any hazardous side effects, providing a safe work environment for employees and eliminating the need to purchase, store, and dispose of harmful chemicals. UV radiation is also very cost-effective, especially when using the right type of lamp designed for energy efficiency and long-lasting high performance. UV disinfection systems provide ongoing cost savings with minimal maintenance required. UV water and air purification systems are powerful, effective, and cost-efficient.
LightSources Offers Powerful UV Germ Lights for High Performance

LightSources and our valued partner, LightTech in Europe, offer powerful UV germ lights that deliver long lasting, high performance. With our vast resources, we offer patented technology in first to market UV germicidal systems which deliver the most powerful UV radiation available, in safe and cost effective UV germ lights.
Low-Pressure Amalgam UV Germ Light

We offer Low Pressure Amalgam lamps which improve the stability of applications with ambient temperature fluctuations. Our patented pellet and spot amalgam technology utilizes filaments specifically engineered to withstand high current operations. LightSources applies our patented LongLife+™ technology with a proprietary coating that eliminates accelerated depreciation commonly associated with high-intensity lamps. Our proprietary technology allows for an extended operating life of up to 16,000 hours while maintaining end-of-life UVC output of up to 85%.
Low-Pressure Mercury UV Germ Lamps

LightSources offers low-pressure mercury UV germicidal lamps for a wide range of disinfection solutions. We offer soft glass or quartz glass, ozone-generating, and ozone-free lamps in standard or high output types. Our soft glass, low-pressure germicidal lamps can operate on lower currents in the range of 180 to 425mA, in either standard or high output styles with germicidal efficiency of 30%. Quartz glass lamps are designed to transmit maximum UVC radiation with levels at or above 90%, at a precision of 253.7nm for maximum germ-killing effectiveness. Also available in either standard or high output, and ozone-generating or ozone-free specifications. Quartz glass lamps provide additional durability over soft glass and are less susceptible to breaking.
High Output UVC Germ Lamps

LightSources offers standard and high-output UVC lamps that use mercury vapor to produce the UVC light. The mercury vapor collects at the “cold spot” on the lamp and produce maximum UVC output when reaching peak temperatures. High output (HO) lamps operate at higher currents and input wattage of 600mA to 800mA, rather than the lower 425mA. HO lamps contain heavier filaments to carry higher electrical currents. The filaments provide more control to the cold spot and allow for maximum UVC output. LightSources is committed to providing the most effective lamps which deliver the highest performance available in the most affordable and cost efficient design. We are committed to continual improvement in all processes, offering patented products and proprietary technology designed to deliver maximum performance. Our skilled design engineers offer custom-developed lighting solutions for virtually any lamp or lighting application. We understand the technology behind the product, designing, engineering and manufacturing high-tech lamp solutions that deliver maximum benefits.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Light Therapy for Psoriasis is Proven Effective

Originally posted at:

Light therapy for psoriasis is proven to be an effective method of treatment. Psoriasis is a disease that causes red, scaly patches which appear raised on the skin typically on the scalp, knees and elbows. This bothersome skin condition is an immune-mediated disease that can be associated with other serious health conditions such as depression, heart disease and diabetes. You should see your doctor if you develop a persistent rash that is not helped with over the counter medication.

The exact cause of psoriasis is not known, although we do know that it is a disease caused by the immune system. Genetics are also a known factor in the development of psoriasis. In people with psoriasis the skin cells grow abnormally fast which leads to the buildup of skin lesions. Both women and men develop psoriasis at the same rate with something usually triggering a flare up. Psoriasis can develop at any age although usually shows first signs within the age range of 15 to 35.

Psoriasis is diagnosed by a dermatologist or other medical provider after an examination. Your doctor may conduct a biopsy of the affected skin under a microscope, which will present as inflamed and thicker than normal skin and eczema. While conventional treatments provide some relief to patients, phototherapy lamps are providing relief with proven results.

Light Therapy for Psoriasis Treats Different Types

Light therapy for psoriasis on effective the varying types of this skin condition. You should learn which type of psoriasis you have to help determine the best treatment. Your doctor can prescribe the best course of action, which may include phototherapy with a specialty UV lamp. The five types of psoriasis include:

Plaque Psoriasis – this is the most common type of this skin condition with red patches of raised skin that are often painful and itchy, showing most commonly on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp.

Guttate Psoriasis – this form of psoriasis usually first appears in childhood or as a young adult as small, dot-like lesions and may be triggered by a strep infection. After plaque psoriasis, this is the second most common type.

Inverse Psoriasis – this type of psoriasis appears in folds of the body such as the groin, armpit and behind the knee appearing as smooth, shiny skin.

Pustular Psoriasis – this type appears as white pustules or blisters surrounded by skin. The pus consists of white blood cells and is not contagious. This appears mostly on the feet and hands but may appear anywhere on the body.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis – this is a severe type of psoriasis leading to fiery red skin spread out over most of the body, leading to the skin coming off in sheets and causing severe pain and itching. It is the rarest of the of types with only 3 percent of people suffering with psoriasis having this type. It typically appears on patients with unstable plaque psoriasis. This form can be life threatening during a flare up and patients should seek medical attention immediately.

Light Therapy for Psoriasis Treatment

Phototherapy with UV lamps to treat psoriasis expose the skin to UV light under medical supervision on a consistent basis. A UV lamp for psoriasis is not the same thing as using a tanning bed, in fact it can be quite harmful and make symptoms worse as the wavelength of UVA and UVB are not the same as in a specially designed phototherapy lamp.

There are different types of light therapy to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, which include:

  • Ultraviolet light B (UVB)
  • Sunlight
  • Psoralen + UVA (PUVA)

UVB Phototherapy for Psoriasis

UVB is present in natural sunlight and proven to be an effective treatment for psoriasis. UVB treatment is administered either at home under a doctor’s direction or in a medical setting. If administering light therapy for psoriasis from home, it is critical to follow your physician’s orders and maintain follow up visits. UVB wavelengths penetrate the skin in either a broad band or narrow band. Narrow band UVB releases a narrower, or smaller, range of UV light.

Your doctor can help to determine which type of UVB wavelength would be best for your skin. Patients may experience initial irritation which should lessen with continued exposure. UVB may be combined with systematic agents or topical medications to increase the effectiveness. UVB phototherapy may administered in various way which include small lamp units for localized treatment to feet, hands or specific areas or a full body unit.

The proper type of UVB lamp must be used for effective treatment without causing damage and irritation to the skin.


Both UVA and UVB are found in natural sunlight, although UVB works best to treat psoriasis. If attempting to improve psoriasis with natural sunlight therapy, short bursts of exposure are recommended for 5 to 10 minutes at noon daily. All areas should receive equal exposure and sunscreen should be worn to prevent damage and worsening of conditions. Patients should continue to see their doctor to check for improvement or damage from the sun. Improvement in symptoms may be seen in several weeks. Patients taking medication to enhance light sensitivity such as Psoralen should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun unless under a doctor’s care.

Psoralen with UVA (PUVA)

UVA is present in natural sunlight along with UVB, although UVA is generally not as effective in treating psoriasis without the use of a mediation to enhance light sensitivity. Psoralen is administered by a doctor either orally or topically and helps to slow down the excessive growth of skin cells which helps to clear symptoms. PUVA treatment is most effective on plaque psoriasis in stable condition, guttate psoriasis and symptoms appearing on the feet and hands.

LightSources Offers UV Phototherapy Lamps for Psoriasis

LightSources is a leading global supplier of UV lamps and lighting solutions to a wide range of industries and applications. We offer decades of experience and lighting engineers with in-depth understanding of UV technology. LightSources and our valued European partner, LightTech, are committed to continual research and development to deliver first to market, patented products which outperform the competition with effectiveness, long lasting high performance and cost saving energy efficiencies.

We understand the technology that goes into every UV lamp offering custom designed lamps with specific wavelengths derived from custom blend phosphors. LightSources assists OEMs and manufacturers with developing proprietary products to increase their own brand awareness. When you need lamps or lighting solutions for any purpose, including phototherapy lamps to treat various conditions, contact the lighting specialists at LightSources.