Ultraviolet (UV) technology is proven to provide powerful disinfection and sterilization properties to surfaces, air and water. Ultraviolet radiation immediately kills viruses, bacteria, germs and harmful microorganisms within seconds upon contact. UV water sterilization systems are utilized worldwide in many applications such as:
- Wastewater treatment
- Drinking water for municipalities
- Aquaculture
- Ballast water treatment in ships
- Many other water treatment applications
UV water sterilization systems are used in water reclamation and wastewater treatment applications worldwide to deliver safe water to cities, towns, villages, rural areas and farms. UV water treatment systems are safe and effective and leave no harmful chemical byproducts.
Drinking Water for Municipalities
UV water sterilization systems treat drinking water for municipalities to remove harmful bacteria and parasites known to cause illnesses. Ultraviolet radiation kills some germs that chlorine doesn’t and leaves no harmful chemical residue.
Ballast Water Treatment in Ships
The Ballast Water Management Convention was recently ratified by enough countries and passed for global enforcement, requiring all ships that sail in international waters to have an onboard ballast water treatment system. Contaminated ballast water is one of the greatest threats to the sustainability of the planet’s oceans. UV technology is effectively used in onboard ballast water treatment systems and meets all regulations including US Coast Guard approval.
Aquaculture Treatment with UV Systems
UV systems are used in many aquaculture applications to clean and sterilize water for marine life. UV treatment systems are used in many aquaculture applications such as in fish hatcheries and reserves to promote healthy marine life.
UV water treatment systems are an important part of these water applications and many others to effectively kill germs and harmful contaminants in water. UVC radiation is proven to be highly effective, completely safe and cost-efficient with quality lamps providing long-lasting effectiveness which require minimal maintenance.
LightSources is a leading manufacturer of high-tech lamps and lighting solutions including UVC germicidal lamps. We design, engineer and manufacture patented products developed with proprietary technology proven to outperform comparable lamps. Contact us to speak with an engineer about our UVC germicidal solutions for surface, air and water treatment systems.
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