Phototherapy lamps are proven to effectively treat many medical conditions including various skin conditions such as acne. Acne affects many people in the United States and up to 85% of adolescents. Dermatologists treat acne with a combination of conventional methods such as antibiotics and retinoids, although more doctors are realizing the benefits of treatment with a UV phototherapy lamp.
Conventional treatment methods can have side effects or may not be completely effective in treating acne. People can develop a resistance to antibiotics and topical treatments may be harsh on the skin. Acne left untreated can develop into severe cases and even leave scarring in adulthood.
Treating acne with a phototherapy acne lamp is proven to be effective and may be used in conjunction with other conventional methods. UV light immediately kills bacteria upon exposure to improve skin conditions without bothersome and harmful side effects.
Light therapy lamps must be designed for the condition in which they are treating. Using the right type of phototherapy acne lamp provides significant relief to patients worldwide.
LightSources is a Leading Supplier of Phototherapy Lamps
LightSources is recognized worldwide as a leading supplier of lamps and lighting solutions. Our skilled engineers possess in-depth knowledge of UV radiation and UVC germicidal applications. Our lamps are found worldwide in medical phototherapy applications as well as UVC water and air sterilization processes.
Acne phototherapy lamps emit a combination of blue light and red light which is proven to treat acne by alleviating symptoms and preventing breakouts. Blue light is measured at 415 nanometer (nm), the unit of measure for UV wavelengths. Red light is measured in the range of 600 to 700 nm and stimulates repair and healing of inflamed skin through cell regeneration.
Be sure to speak with your doctor about the right type of phototherapy lamp for your condition contact the LightSources for all of your phototherapy lamp needs.
LightSources in the United States and LightTech in Europe are recognized as a leading global authority on fluorescent and UV lamp manufacturing. We offer decades of experience and proprietary technology proven to outlast and outperform comparable lamps. Contact us to learn more about our wide selection of standard lamps, custom designed solutions and how to find the right phototherapy lamp for your condition.
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