Low-pressure Mercury discharge lamps are similar in construction to fluorescent lamps although the inner lamp wall does not have a phosphor coating which allows the right amount of UV radiation to filter through. Low-pressure Mercury germicidal lamps convert up to 40% of electricity into UV radiation.
The lamp body of a UV germicidal lamp is made with soft glass, quartz or pure fused quartz. Lamp bodies constructed with pure fused quartz of 185 nm as well as 254 nm emissions with VH (very high) glass. UV germicidal lamps that transmit 185 nm of UV radiation produce ozone which is a known oxidizer and sanitizer. Ozone effectively eliminates foul odors in the air and can be transmitted through the air to reach places direct UV exposure cannot reach.
UV lamps manufactured with quartz and titanium block out 185 nm emissions to transmit 254 nm of UVC radiation only. UVC lamps engineered with L glass is soft glass which transmits 254 nm UV radiation for germicidal effectiveness. Electrodes located at each lamp and connect an external current source to the Mercury gas discharge device.
The germicidal lamp body is filled with either pure argon gas or a mixture of rare gasses including neon and argon. A small amount of mercury produces the necessary UVC radiation. UV germicidal lamps really do work although it is best to speak with a reputable UV lamp manufacturer to be sure that you achieve the right emissions of UV radiation for your application.
LightSources has constructed patented UVC germicidal lamps which outlast and outperform comparable products with energy efficiency and safety features included. You can find our germicidal lamps in air purification systems and water sterilization applications worldwide.
The LightSources group is a leading global supplier of proven UV germicidal layouts and high-tech lighting solutions. We provide a wide selection of UVC germicidal lamp products proven in applications worldwide. Contact us to learn more and for custom designed UV lamp solutions to fit your needs.
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