Far UVC is ultraviolet (UV) light in the range of 207–222 nm, which are shorter wavelengths than the traditional 254 nm UVC lamps. Interest in far UVC technology is increasing with more research and awareness of the many benefits of UVC lamps engineered to emit wavelengths in the far UVC range. Far UVC wavelengths are shown to provide the same germicidal effectiveness with many benefits such as improved safety.
Safety of Far UVC vs. Traditional 254 nm UV Lamps
Traditional 254 nm lamps emit powerful UVC radiation highly effective for germicidal applications, although cannot be used when people are present in the room. Traditional UVC sterilization systems must be operated in a closed system, with precautionary measures to shut off automatically if a person enters the room because they can damage human eyes and skin. Far UVC 222 nm lamps emit shorter wavelengths that are shown to operate safely without causing harm to human eyes and skin.
Far UVC 222 nm Lamp Effectiveness
Far UVC lamps are also shown to be highly effective at killing the same types of viruses, bacteria, and harmful pathogens as traditional UV germicidal lamps, influenza, alpha, and beta coronaviruses. One study conducted by various universities showed that far UVC technology effectively eliminated the threat of airborne bacteria, S. Aureus, while continually spraying into a room. The far UVC lamps and overhead systems eliminated 98% of airborne microbes even though they were continually spraying into the room.
This study and others like it so that the future is bright for far UVC light, with effective disinfection that can be used continually as opposed to only when people are not in the room.
LightSources is a leader in the UVC lamp industry with a wide range of traditional 254 nm UV lamps and custom design and engineering to meet specific wavelength emissions. Our UVC germicidal lamps can be found worldwide in surface, water, and air purification systems. Contact us to learn more about UVC germicidal technology including far UVC lamps.