Wednesday, July 26, 2023

222 nm UV Light: Far UVC Effectiveness and Safety

Ultraviolet light in the UVC range is proven to have germicidal properties, with 222 nm UV light showing high efficacy and safety. Standard UVC germicidal lamps emit wavelengths at 254 nm, proven to have high germicidal effectiveness by breaking the DNA bonds inside the nucleus of harmful microbes and pathogens. 254 nm UV lamps, however, are not safe to use when humans are present and pose risks to damaging skin and eyes.

222 UV lamps are showing the same germicidal properties and are much safer than 254 nm lamps due to the way 222 nm wavelengths are absorbed by the protein layer of cells. 222 nm UV light is also known as Far UVC and is considered safe to use around humans without risk of human exposure to skin or eyes.

222 nm UV Light Effectiveness

Both 222 nm and 254 nm UV lamps emit UVC wavelengths that inactivate viruses and bacteria. 222 nm UV light penetrates the microbe’s cell nucleus and breaks the DNA bond to prevent replication, thus rendering the cell harmless, the same as 254 nm UV lamps. 222 nm UV lamps go even further than inactivating the cell, however, and actually destroy pathogens.

When standard UVC lamps inactivate pathogens, there is a possibility that they could be reconstituted through a process called photoreactivation. This is not possible with 222 nm UV light which is known to deactivate and destroy most harmful human pathogens, including bacterium, viruses, fungus, mold, protozoa, and prions. Far UVC light has been the focus of many studies for over a decade, with many research studies showing high efficacy against a wide range of known harmful pathogens, including alpha and beta coronaviruses, influenza (H1N1), and adenovirus.

222 nm, Far UVC light is shown to safely and effectively inactivate human airborne coronaviruses, with research showing effectiveness at killing the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID 19. The study showed that even low doses of far UVC light inactivated 99.9% of aerosolized coronavirus. Much research has been conducted on the effectiveness of standard germicidal lamps for SARS-CoV-2, showing that UV light does kill COVID in air and on surfaces.

Far UVC lamps designed to emit 222 nm are also called Excimer lamps and are in use today in many applications, providing UVC germicidal protection with significantly safer operation.

222 nm UV Lamps: Excimer Lamp Effectiveness

Excimer lamps that emit 222 nm UV light are produced by creating a high-voltage discharge in a glass tube lamp with the proper mixture of gases to create 222 nm when energized. The intensity of the output can vary depending on the input power, and an optical filter can be included to ensure that harmful wavelengths above 230 nm are removed. 222 nm Excimer lamps are showing high effectiveness at killing viruses on surfaces, in the air, and safely inactivating airborne human coronaviruses.

Safety of 222 nm Far UVC Light

222 nm Far UVC light is highly effective at destroying harmful pathogens and is opening the door for many uses beyond traditional germicidal lamps due to the ability to operate safely in the presence of humans. 254 nm light used in standard germicidal lamps is absorbed by DNA to kill harmful cells but is not easily absorbed by proteins, which means it can penetrate deeper into human skin and damage the DNA of actively dividing skin cells which can lead to cancer.

222 nm UV light, however, is also highly absorbed by DNA but is also absorbed by proteins, which are contained in the outer membrane shell of all viruses and bacteria. This increases the effectiveness of 222 nm light against some microbes while also making it much safer for use around humans. Since 222 nm light is absorbed by proteins, it will not fully penetrate into the thick protein-rich layer of human cells.

The outer layer of human skin consists of dead skin cells with no active cells and provides an armored layer against 222 nm light. A similar layer of cells protects the eyes. Since 222 nm UV light never reaches the DNA of actively dividing cells, it is safer for use and human exposure.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Harnessing the Power of UVC Disinfection to Combat Germs

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of proper disinfection practices has become more apparent than ever. While traditional cleaning methods play a vital role in eliminating pathogens, the development of innovative technologies has led to the rise of UVC disinfection. UVC, or ultraviolet-C, radiation has proven to be a potent germicidal agent, offering an efficient and chemical-free solution to combat harmful microorganisms.

Understanding UVC Disinfection

UVC radiation is a form of ultraviolet light with wavelengths ranging from 200 to 280 nanometers (nm), with 254 nm being one of the most effective wavelengths for UV C disinfection. Unlike UVA and UVB rays, which can penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere and are responsible for the common sunburn, UVC is completely absorbed by the ozone layer. UV C lamps replicate the proper wavelength required for UVC radiation to eliminate germs in many applications.

Germicidal UVC lamps are safe for use in controlled environments with the proper safety measure in place, as they can pose a risk to human eyes and skin. When exposed to UVC radiation, microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi are rendered inactive by damaging their DNA and disrupting their cellular functions. This process effectively prevents their replication and spread.

Effectiveness of UVC Disinfection

UVC disinfection has gained popularity due to its high efficacy in eliminating a wide range of pathogens. Numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness against various viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. UVC radiation can be deployed in various settings, such as hospitals, laboratories, offices, restaurants, and public spaces. UVC radiation is effective for use in surface disinfection, air purification, and water sterilization.

In recent years, research has also focused on the benefits of far-UVC radiation. Far-UVC emits a shorter wavelength (around 222 nanometers) and is less harmful to human skin and eyes compared to conventional UVC radiation. This opens up possibilities for continuous disinfection in occupied spaces, offering a safer and more sustainable solution for public areas.

UVC Lamp Safety Considerations

While UVC radiation is highly effective in disinfection, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of human exposure. Direct exposure to UVC radiation can cause skin burns and eye injuries, similar to sunburn and UV overexposure. Therefore, it is crucial to employ UVC disinfection systems that are properly designed, shielded, and used in controlled environments to minimize the risk of harm. This includes the use of protective gear and ensuring that humans are not present during the disinfection process.

UV C Disinfection Lamp Types

To harness the power of UV disinfection, specialized UV C lamps are used that emit the required wavelengths for germicidal effectiveness. LightSources, a leading manufacturer of UV lamps, offers a comprehensive range of UVC germicidal lampsand far-UVC lamps for various applications.

Germicidal lamps are designed to emit UVC radiation at a peak wavelength of 254 nanometers, which is highly effective in eliminating pathogens. These lamps are commonly used in air and water purification systems, surface disinfection devices, and HVAC units.

Far-UVC lamps, on the other hand, emit shorter wavelengths, around 222 nanometers. LightSources’ far-UVC lamps are engineered to deliver optimal germicidal effects while minimizing the risk to human health. These lamps are ideal for continuous disinfection in occupied spaces, providing an added layer of safety and protection.

UVC disinfection has emerged as a powerful and chemical-free method to combat the spread of harmful microorganisms. Its efficacy in eliminating viruses and bacteria, including the notorious SARS-CoV-2, has made it an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases. However, it is crucial to implement UV germicidal lamps and disinfection systems safely and responsibly, adhering to recommended guidelines to protect human health.