Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why Germicidal UVC Technology is Superior to Chlorine for Waste Water Treatment Disinfection

Ultraviolet (UVC) Light Technology has many advantages when it comes to Waste Water Treatment.  The receptivity to this technology has been relatively low over the years as Chlorine disinfection (Chlorination) technology had been the established treatment method.

Chlorine disinfection is currently the most common form of waste water disinfection used in North America and [is mostly due to its low initial cost and its long-term history of effectiveness. Its greatest disadvantage is that the chlorination of residual organic material can generate chlorinated-organic compounds that may be carcinogenic or harmful to the environment. Residual chlorine or chloramines may also be capable of chlorinating organic material in the natural aquatic environment. Further, because residual chlorine is toxic to aquatic species, the treated effluent must also be chemically dechlorinated, before releasing into the environment.  This extra step adds to the complexity and cost of this type of treatment.  Chlorine disinfection also requires a larger footprint than UVC disinfection units, while requiring more maintenance.

UVC disinfection on the other had is an up and coming Waste Water Treatment process.  It is a non chemical rather physical process that instantaneously neutralizes microorganisms as they pass by ultraviolet lamps submerged in the effluent. The process adds nothing to the water but UVC light, and therefore, has no impact on the chemical composition or the dissolved oxygen content of the water.  Currently UVC Light Technology is the only cost-effective disinfection alternative that does not have the potential to create or release carcinogenic by-products into the environment. In addition, UVC is an effective disinfectant for chlorine resistant protozoa like Cryptosporidium and Giardia.  As a plus UVC disinfection units typically cost less to maintain.

Due to its many advantages the adoption of UVC Light for wastewater disinfection has grown significantly over the past few decades. Aging infrastructure in North America, Europe and Australia currently, is aiding the growth of this technology as more and more Municipalities choose UVC disinfection over Chlorine disinfection.  In newly emerging markets such as in Asia, UVC disinfection is the most often chosen method of disinfection in the many plants being constructed or being planned.  UVC in general is a more environmentally friendly “greener” solution.  Today over twenty percent of wastewater treatment plants in North America employ this environmentally-friendly technology.

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