Wednesday, March 16, 2016

UVC Lamps - Safe, Cost-effective Disinfection for Drinking Water

Although water covers 97% of the earth’s surface, the majority of it is salt water and unsuitable for drinking.  It is estimated that only 2.5% of our water supply is drinkable and even less (only 1%) is clean enough for drinking water.  At the same time, the demand for clean water is growing along with the population.  We know that each year as many as two million people die from drinking contaminated water. 

Given the fact there is 156,000 municipal  drinking water systems in the US alone that serve 90% of the population, using methods to treat water safely and not harm the environment is extremely important.  One alternative that is quickly gaining popularity is Ultraviolet (UVC) amalgam lamp disinfection.  Not only does it provide an environmentally friendly way to disinfect water, but also ease of use, minimal maintenance and very low operating costs.

However while germicidal UVC light does not entirely replace chemical disinfection for non-point-of-use, it does significantly reduce the need for chemicals.  Supplemental chemicals are still needed to protect the water after it leaves the irradiated area as the UVC method has no disinfection residual to protect water that sits in pipes for days before it is consumed.

Unlike traditional chemical treatment, UVC light disinfection has the advantage of effectively eliminating cryptosporidium and giardia bacterium.  Another benefit to germicidal UV water purification includes the fact that biological contaminants cannot build resistance to UV light.  Also for consumers, the process does not alter the taste, odor or pH value of the water.

At LightSources and LightTech, our innovative amalgam lamps have the capacity of yielding up to three times the UVC output when compared to traditional standard and high output low pressure germicidal lamps.  See our website to learn more about our line of cost-effective germicidal lamps.   

LightSources and our strategic partner LightTech, along with our affiliated companies, represent the leading high-tech designers and manufacturers in the lamp industry today.  Our products are used world-wide in a multitude of applications and industries such as our UV germicidal lamps that offer patent-protected, OEM-oriented solutions. 

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