Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ballast Water Treatment Methods to Meet New Regulations

The new Ballast Water Treatment Convention (BWTC) went into full effect on September 8, 2017, requiring all ships to have an approved method of ballast water treatment on board their ship.  Ballast water is used to balance the ship as sea water is brought in when cargo is low, or removed when cargo is heavy.  When seawater is picked up in one port is discharged into another port in another country or marine environment, the microorganisms wreak havoc in the new water region, acting as foreign invaders.  Invasive species newly introduced to a region upsets the eco-system and can create insurmountable problems.
All ships including cargo ships, tankers and cruise ships were required to comply by September 8, 2017, under the requirements of the new BWTC.
Ballast Water Treatment Methods with U.S. Coast Guard Approval
Ships must be equipped with an on-board ballast water treatment method to meet these new requirements.  While there are a few different methods for sterilizing water, one stands out as superior to the others.  Some treatment methods may work, but come with added consequences that are not always desirable.
Three main approaches are taken to treat ballast water; mechanical, chemical or physical.  Mechanical methods include filtration and separation; chemical methods use chlorination or biocides, while physical methods include electrical currents, ozone and UV radiation. 
Of these three main methods, UV radiation offers the most benefits with effective treatment, low-cost, low-maintenance and is completely safe.
UV Technology for Ballast Water Treatment
UV technology is used to sterilize and treat water in many applications such as waste water treatment plants.  UV water sterilization is proven effective at removing threatening invasive species, with low costs as there is no requirement to purchase chemicals, low maintenance with the right type of long lasting UV lamps, and is completely safe.
Chemical treatments, on the other hand, require the purchase and storage of these chemicals, and then there is the fact that these chemicals are also released into the ocean which could pollute the water, the very thing the BWTC is aiming to put a stop to. 
LightSources Produces High Performing, Long Lasting UV Lamps for Ballast Water Treatment Systems
LightSources is a leading global manufacturer of UV lamps and lighting solutions, offering our patented Low-Pressure Amalgam Lamp technology for effective sterilization with a small footprint.  We also produce Medium-Pressure UV (MPUV) lamps which are just as effective also with a small footprint.
To learn more about the Ballast Water Treatment Convention regulations, enforced by the IMO (International Maritime Organization), visit, an organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and reducing the harmful effects to our world’s oceans through contaminated ballast water.  
LightSources and our valued partner companies are recognized for producing superior lamps and lighting solutions, providing high-tech solutions with innovation products.  Contact us today to learn more about our highly effective and low costs UV lamps for ballast water treatment systems.  

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