Friday, May 25, 2018

UV Lamps Effectively Treat Eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition affecting over 30 million Americans with some form of this irritating skin ailment. Eczema presents in various forms which include contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema and stasis dermatitis.  While symptoms may differ for each individual, the most common symptoms of all types of eczema include:

                Dry, sensitive skin

                Red, inflamed skin

                Extreme itching

                Oozing or crusting


In all forms of eczema, itchiness is one of the most common symptoms which can cause people to scratch harder sometimes until they bleed making the condition much worse.  Children and babies can develop eczema which is usually noticeable on their cheeks and chin although you may see symptoms anywhere on the body. Children often outgrow this condition, although for some people it does last into adulthood.
The exact cause of eczema is not known, but one thing is certain; people that suffer from the skin condition release from the itchy, red skin and the emotional turmoil it can cause.
LightSources Offers UV Phototherapy Lamps for Eczema
While some methods such as corticosteroids and topical ointments are effective for some people, they provide little relief for others. Ultraviolet light has been proven to be highly effective at controlling eczema outbreaks and improving bothersome symptoms.  UV light therapy, also referred to as phototherapy, is conducted with a specialty UV lamp for eczema under a doctor’s care. In some cases, you may be given a prescription for the right kind of lamp to use at home with your physician’s directions.
Phototherapy lamps which deliver UVA, UVB and UVB in narrowband wavelengths is most effective to control outbreaks and improve symptoms of this bothersome skin condition.
LightSources and our European partner, LightTech, are the leading manufacturers available in the industry today, providing lighting solutions to a multitude of industrial and commercial applications around the globe. We offer innovative lighting solutions that deliver long-lasting high-performance providing cost-saving efficiencies.
The LightSources group represents the leading high-tech lamp designers available today, offering specialty lamps and lighting solutions to a multitude of industries worldwide. Contact us to speak with an experienced engineer to learn more about our light therapy solutions which include UV lamps for eczema.

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